Automating the process of production cutting, beveling, and marking for demanding budget constraints.

Our plasma can provide production mode cutting, marking and beveling of material through 2 ½" for Mild Steel as well as 3" for Stainless Steel and Aluminum.
Production profile cutting at Advanced Profiles Limited is faster and more economical than conventional methods where cost savings are returned to you in turnaround time and response time to your customer. Our facilities and equipment can accommodate the storage and quick deployment of your material. Our Plasma cutting is fast and can also operate in sever mode for the larger material segmentation requirements for 3" to just over 6" requirements.
Plasma precision tolerances for production mode start at ¼ inches for Mild Steel and Aluminum and 3⁄32 inches for Stainless Steel meeting and exceeding the ISO 9013:2003 Range 4 Specification.